oci plugin

Builds a OCI or Docker image files


mode: docker

Valid mode values are oci or docker. oci will output an OCI image according to the “Image Format Specification”[1] at the time of this plugin was made. docker will output Docker images according to “Docker Image Specification v1.2.0”[2].

  key1: value1

Optional. Only for OCI.

- ...

Contains a series of images. Not to mix up with layers. Images do not need to share layers. For example there may be an image for each architecture.

The configuration of an image contains the following fields:

Image configuration

  element: other-image.bst
  image: 0

parent is optional. If not provided, we are building an image with only one layer. element is the build dependency of type oci which contains the layers we want to import. image is the image index number. Default value for image is 0.

- mylayer.bst

layer is a list of build dependencies which provides the upper layer. Integration commands are not run. So you may want to use depend on compose element to run those. layer is optional. If not provided, parent layers will be just used and new configuration will be set on an empty layer.

architecture: amd64

Must be provided. Must be a “GOARCH” value. https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/go/build/syslist.go

os: linux

Must be provided. Must be a “GOOS” value. https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/go/build/syslist.go

variant: v8
os.version: 1
os.features: ['a', 'b']

OCI only. Optional. Only used in image index for selection of the right image. os.version and os.features are Windows related. variant are for selection of processor variants. For example ARM version.

author: John Doe <john.doe@example.com>

Author of the layer/image. Optional.

comment: Add my awesome app

Commit message for the layer/image. Optional.

annotations: {'key1': 'value1'}

Optional. Only for OCI.

tags: ['myapp:latest', 'myapp:1.0']

Tags for the images. Only for Docker.


Optional container config for the image.

Container configuration

All configurations here are optional.

Examples common for OCI and Docker:

User: "webadmin"
ExposedPorts: ["80/tcp", "8080"]
Env: ["A=value", "B=value"]
Entrypoint: ["/bin/myapp"]
Cmd: ["--default-param"]
Volumes: ["/var/lib/myapp"]
WorkingDir: "/home/myuser"

OCI specific:

Labels: {"a": "b"}
StopSignal: "SIGKILL"

Docker specific:

Memory: 2048
MemorySwap: 4096
CpuShares: 2
  Test: ["CMD", "/bin/test", "param"]
  Interval: 50000000000
  Timeout: 10000000000
  Retries: 2


The artifact generated is an un-tared image and need to be composed into at tar file. This can be done with --tar of bst checkout.

The image can be loaded by either podman load -i or docker load -i.

For example:

bst checkout element.bst --tar element.tar
podman load -i element.tar


The element will compute the layering on top of its parents. So the layer should be provided complete with all the files of the result.

There is no creation dates added to the images to avoid problems with reproducibility.

Each oci element can only add one layer. So if you need to build multiple layers, you must provide an oci element for each. Remember that only os and architecture are required, so you can make relatively concise elements.

You can layer OCI on top of Docker images or Docker images on top of OCI. So no need to create both versions for images you use for creating intermediate layers that do not need to be exported.