collect_manifest plugin

Collect Manifest Element

A buildstream plugin used to produce a manifest file containing a list of elements for a given dependency.

The manifest contains useful information such as:
  • CPE data, such as CVE patches

  • Package name

  • Version

  • Sources

  • Source locations

  • SHAs

  • Patch files

The manifest file is exported as a json file to the path provided under the “path” variable defined in the .bst file.

Dependency elements can manually declare CPE data in their public section. For example:

    product: gnutls
    vendor: gnu
    version: '1.0'

This data will be set in the x-cpe field of the entry.

If not present, product will be automatically be inferred from the name of the element.

For version resolution source plugin must opt-in to export_manifest protocol by setting BST_EXPORT_MANIFEST and implementing export_manifest method.

Currently allowed outputs are:

   "type": "git",
   "url": "",
   "commit": "hash/git-describe"
   "type": "archive",
   "url": "https://path/to/package.tgz",
   "sha256": "checksum"
   "type": "patch",
   "path": "path/to/patches"

Version will be calculated from commit for git and from basename of URL for archive.

The default version regular expression is (\d+)(?:\.|_|-)(\d+)(?:\.|_|-)?(\d+)? (1, 2 or 3 numerical components separated by dots, underscores or dashes). It is possible to change the version regular expression with the field version-match.

The version regular expression must follow Python regular expression syntax. A version regular expression with no group will match exactly the version. A version regular expression with groups will match components of the version with each groups. The components will then be concatenated using . (dot) as a separator.

version-match in the cpe public data will never be exported in the x-cpe field of the manifest.

Here is an example of version-match where the filename is openssl1_1_1d.tar.gz, the result version will be 1.1.1d.

    version-match: '(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+[a-z]?)'